Забавные вещи пишет здесь Гриша Феркамер о причине ухода монголов из Европы:

«But soon, as quickly as they had swept in, they disappeared back into the vast Asian steppe: On 12 December 1241 the Great Khan Ögedei had died and a fight over his succession had broken out. Batu Khan, the leader of the European expedition, initially wanted to continue his plans to invade the Holy Roman Empire but was reminded by Subutai (one of the greatest generals and strategist of Genghis Khan and Ögedei Khan) of the oral Mongolian law code (Yassa), which forbids such actions in this situation, and therefore Batu withdrew to the Lower Volag [сик] region and left behind East Central European rulers in a state of total astonishment and sheer despair» (p. 231–232).

Ссылка на какой-нибудь источник, разумеется, украсила бы это утверждение, поскольку я совершенно не понимаю происхождения подобного объяснения: выходит Байджу нарушил Ясу, когда разбил сельджуков?


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